Friday, May 27, 2011

My favorite things

I was going through the script pulling out some of my favorite lines, and I was just reminded how beautiful this play is. I wanted to share those lines with you all as well!
By Ameneh Bordi, director
Can’t you keep quiet, like all decent dead people!?

My hand is a little bird that finds its nest here. Your palm is great, like the great earth which holds all. These lines are the rivers, and these are the hills.

To me, things that are beautiful are the keys to all that I have not seen and not know.

These hell creatures clatter their skeletons and dance in my heart, when their mistress, the great witch, plays upon her magic flute.

You seem to me like a cry of a lost world, like the song of a wandering star.

Nature, thou art my slave

But where is my little girl, with her dark sad eyes, big with tears?

Let us salute those stars which did throw us together. If for a moment, still it has been much.

The finite is the true infinite, and love knows its truth.

My girl, you are the spirit of all that is – I can never leave you.

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